#include "WL_DEF.H"
#pragma hdrstop

#define OP_RETF	0xcb




t_compscale _seg *scaledirectory[maxSCALEHEIGHT+1];
long			fullscalefarCall[maxSCALEHEIGHT+1];

int			maxscale,maxscaleshl2;




t_compscale 	_seg *work;
unsigned BuildCompScale (int height, memptr

int			stepbytwo;


= BadScale

void far BadScale (void)
	Quit ("BadScale Called!");

= SetupScaling

void SetupScaling (int maxscaleheight)
	int		i,x,y;
	byte	far *dest;

	maxscaleheight/=2;			// one scaler every two

	maxscale = maxscaleheight-1;
	maxscaleshl2 = maxscale 2;

// free up old scalers
	for (i=1;i maxSCALEHEIGHT;i++)
		if (scaledirectory[i])
			mm_FreePtr (&(memptr)scaledirectory[i]);
		if (i>=stepbytwo)
			i += 2;
	memset (scaledirectory,0,sizeof(scaledirectory));

	mm_SortMem ();

// build the compiled scalers
	stepbytwo = viewheight/2;	// save space by double stepping
	mm_GetPtr (&(memptr)work,20000);
	if (mmerror)

	for (i=1;i =maxscaleheight;i++)
		BuildCompscale (i*2,&(memptr)scaledirectory[i]);
		if (mmerror)
			mm_FreePtr (&(memptr)work);
		if (i>=stepbytwo)
			i+= 2;
	mm_FreePtr (&(memptr)work);

// compact memory and lock down scalers
	mm_SortMem ();
	for (i=1;i =maxscaleheight;i++)
		mm_SetLock (&(memptr)scaledirectory[i],true);
		fullscalefarCall[i] = (unsigned)scaledirectory[i];
		fullscalefarCall[i] =16;
		fullscalefarCall[i] += scaledirectory[i]->codeofs[0];
		if (i>=stepbytwo)
			scaledirectory[i+1] = scaledirectory[i];
			fullscalefarCall[i+1] = fullscalefarCall[i];
			scaledirectory[i+2] = scaledirectory[i];
			fullscalefarCall[i+2] = fullscalefarCall[i];
	scaledirectory[0] = scaledirectory[1];
	fullscalefarCall[0] = fullscalefarCall[1];

// check for oversize wall drawing
	for (i=maxscaleheight;i maxscaleHEIGHT;i++)
		fullscalefarCall[i] = (long)Badscale;



= BuildCompscale
= Builds a compiled scaler object that will scale a 64 tall object to
= the given height (centered vertiCally on the screen)
= height should be even
= Call with
= ---------
= DS:SI		Source for scale
= ES:DI		Dest for scale
= Calling the compiled scaler only destroys AL

unsigned BuildCompscale (int height,
memptr *finalspot)
	byte		far *code;

	int			i;
	long		fix,step;
	unsigned	src,totalscaled,totalsize;
	int			startpix,endpix,toppix;

	step = ((long)height<<16) / 64;
	code = &work->code[0];
	toppix = (viewheight-height)/2;
	fix = 0;

	for (src=0;src<=64;src++)
		startpix = fix>>16;
		fix += step;
		endpix = fix>>16;

		if (endpix>startpix)
			work->width[src] = endpix-startpix;
			work->width[src] = 0;

// mark the start of the code
		work->codeofs[src] = FP_OFF(code);

// compile some code if the source
pixel generates any screen pixels

		if (startpix == endpix || endpix 0 || startpix >= viewheight || src ==

	// mov al,[si+src]
		*code++ = 0x8a;
		*code++ = 0x44;
		*code++ = src;

		for (;startpix endpix;startpix++)
			if (startpix >= viewheight)
				break;						// off the bottom of the view
			if (startpix  0)
				continue;					// not into the view area

		// mov [es:di+heightofs],al
			*code++ = 0x26;
			*code++ = 0x88;
			*code++ = 0x85;
			*((unsigned far *)code)++ = startpix*SCREENBWIDE;


// retf
	*code++ = 0xcb;

	totalsize = FP_OFF(code);
	mm_GetPtr (finalspot,totalsize);
	if (mmerror)
		return 0;
	_fmemcpy ((byte _seg *)(*finalspot),(byte _seg *)work,totalsize);

	return totalsize;

= scaleLine
= linescale should have the high word set to the segment of the

extern	int			slinex,slinewidth;
extern	unsigned	far
extern	long		linescale;
extern	unsigned	maskword;

byte	mask1,mask2,mask3;

void near scaleLine (void)
asm	mov	cx,WORD PTR [linescale+2]
asm	mov	es,cx
// segment of scaler

asm	mov bp,WORD PTR [linecmds]
asm	mov	dx,SC_INDEX+1
// to set SC_MAPMASK

asm	mov	bx,[slinex]
asm	mov	di,bx
asm	shr	di,2						// X in
asm	add	di,[bufferofs]
asm	and	bx,3
asm	shl	bx,3
asm	add	bx,[slinewidth]				// bx =
asm	mov	al,BYTE [mapmasks3-1+bx]
// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	mov	ds,WORD PTR [linecmds+2]
asm	or	al,al
asm	jz	notthreebyte				// scale across three bytes
asm	jmp	threebyte
asm	mov	al,BYTE PTR
ss:[mapmasks2-1+bx]	// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	or	al,al
asm	jnz	twobyte						// scale across two bytes

// one byte scaling
asm	mov	al,BYTE PTR
ss:[mapmasks1-1+bx]	// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register


asm	mov	bx,[ds:bp]
// table location of rtl to patch
asm	or	bx,bx
asm	jz	linedone					// 0
signals end of segment list
asm	mov	bx,[es:bx]
asm	mov	dl,[es:bx]
// save old value
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],OP_RETF
// patch a RETF in
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+4]
// table location of entry spot
asm	mov	ax,[es:si]
asm	mov	WORD PTR ss:[linescale],ax	// Call here to start scaling
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+2]
// corrected top of shape for this segment
asm	add	bp,6						// next
segment list

asm	mov	ax,SCREENSEG
asm	mov	es,ax
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels

asm	mov	es,cx
// segment of scaler
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],dl
// unpatch the RETF
asm	jmp	scalesingle					// do
the next segment

// done
asm	mov	ax,ss
asm	mov	ds,ax

// two byte scaling
asm	mov	ss:[mask2],al
asm	mov	al,BYTE PTR
ss:[mapmasks1-1+bx]	// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	mov	ss:[mask1],al


asm	mov	bx,[ds:bp]
// table location of rtl to patch
asm	or	bx,bx
asm	jz	linedone					// 0
signals end of segment list
asm	mov	bx,[es:bx]
asm	mov	cl,[es:bx]
// save old value
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],OP_RETF
// patch a RETF in
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+4]
// table location of entry spot
asm	mov	ax,[es:si]
asm	mov	WORD PTR ss:[linescale],ax	// Call here to start scaling
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+2]
// corrected top of shape for this segment
asm	add	bp,6						// next
segment list

asm	mov	ax,SCREENSEG
asm	mov	es,ax
asm	mov	al,ss:[mask1]
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels
asm	inc	di
asm	mov	al,ss:[mask2]
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels
asm	dec	di

asm	mov	es,WORD PTR ss:[linescale+2] // segment of scaler
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],cl
// unpatch the RETF
asm	jmp	scaledouble					// do
the next segment

// three byte scaling
asm	mov	ss:[mask3],al
asm	mov	al,BYTE PTR
ss:[mapmasks2-1+bx]	// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	mov	ss:[mask2],al
asm	mov	al,BYTE PTR
ss:[mapmasks1-1+bx]	// -1 because pixwidth of 1 is first
asm	mov	ss:[mask1],al


asm	mov	bx,[ds:bp]
// table location of rtl to patch
asm	or	bx,bx
asm	jz	linedone					// 0
signals end of segment list
asm	mov	bx,[es:bx]
asm	mov	cl,[es:bx]
// save old value
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],OP_RETF
// patch a RETF in
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+4]
// table location of entry spot
asm	mov	ax,[es:si]
asm	mov	WORD PTR ss:[linescale],ax	// Call here to start scaling
asm	mov	si,[ds:bp+2]
// corrected top of shape for this segment
asm	add	bp,6						// next
segment list

asm	mov	ax,SCREENSEG
asm	mov	es,ax
asm	mov	al,ss:[mask1]
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels
asm	inc	di
asm	mov	al,ss:[mask2]
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels
asm	inc	di
asm	mov	al,ss:[mask3]
asm	out	dx,al						// set
map mask register
asm	Call ss:[linescale]				// scale the segment of pixels
asm	dec	di
asm	dec	di

asm	mov	es,WORD PTR ss:[linescale+2] // segment of scaler
asm	mov	BYTE PTR es:[bx],cl
// unpatch the RETF
asm	jmp	scaletriple					// do
the next segment


= scaleShape
= Draws a compiled shape at [scale] pixels high
= each vertical line of the shape has a pointer to segment data:
= 	end of segment pixel*2 (0 terminates line) used to patch
rtl in scaler
= 	top of virtual line with segment in proper place
=	start of segment pixel*2, used to jsl into compiled scaler
=	repeat
= Setup for Call
= --------------
= GC_MODE			read mode 1, write mode 2
= GC_COLORDONTCARE  set to 0, so all reads from video memory return 0xff
= GC_INDEX			pointing at GC_BITMASK

static	long		longtemp;

void scaleShape (int xcenter, int
shapenum, unsigned height)
	t_compshape	_seg *shape;
	t_compscale _seg *comptable;
	unsigned	scale,srcx,stopx,tempx;
	int			t;
	unsigned	far *cmdptr;
	boolean		leftvis,rightvis;

	shape = PM_GetSpritePage (shapenum);

	scale = height>>3;						// low three bits
are fractional
	if (!scale || scale>maxscale)
		return;								// too close or far away
	comptable = scaledirectory[scale];

	*(((unsigned *)&linescale)+1)=(unsigned)comptable;
// seg of far Call
	*(((unsigned *)&linecmds)+1)=(unsigned)shape;		// seg of shape

// scale to the left (from pixel 31 to shape->leftpix)
	srcx = 32;
	slinex = xcenter;
	stopx = shape->leftpix;
	cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[31-stopx];

	while ( --srcx >=stopx && slinex>0)
		(unsigned)linecmds = *cmdptr--;
		if ( !(slinewidth =
comptable->width[srcx]) )

		if (slinewidth == 1)
			if (slinex viewwidth)
				if (wallheight[slinex] >=
					continue;		// obscured by closer wall
				scaleLine ();

		// handle multi pixel lines
		if (slinex>viewwidth)
			slinex -= slinewidth;
			slinewidth = viewwidth-slinex;
			if (slinewidth 1)
				continue;		// still off the right side
			if (slinewidth>slinex)
				slinewidth = slinex;
			slinex -= slinewidth;

		leftvis = (wallheight[slinex] height);
		rightvis = (wallheight[slinex+slinewidth-1] height);

		if (leftvis)
			if (rightvis)
				scaleLine ();
				while (wallheight[slinex+slinewidth-1] >= height)
				scaleLine ();
			if (!rightvis)
				continue;		// totally obscured

			while (wallheight[slinex] >= height)
			scaleLine ();
			break;			// the rest of the shape is gone

// scale to the right
	slinex = xcenter;
	stopx = shape->rightpix;
	if (shape->leftpix 31)
		srcx = 31;
		cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[32-shape->leftpix];
		srcx = shape->leftpix-1;
		cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[0];
	slinewidth = 0;

	while ( ++srcx = stopx && (slinex+=slinewidth) viewwidth)
		(unsigned)linecmds = *cmdptr++;
		if ( !(slinewidth =
comptable->width[srcx]) )

		if (slinewidth == 1)
			if (slinex>=0 && wallheight[slinex]
				scaleLine ();

		// handle multi pixel lines
		if (slinex 0)
			if (slinewidth = -slinex)
				continue;		// still off the left edge

			slinewidth += slinex;
			slinex = 0;
			if (slinex + slinewidth >
				slinewidth = viewwidth-slinex;

		leftvis = (wallheight[slinex] height);
		rightvis = (wallheight[slinex+slinewidth-1] height);

		if (leftvis)
			if (rightvis)
				scaleLine ();
				while (wallheight[slinex+slinewidth-1] >= height)
				scaleLine ();
				break;			// the rest of the shape is gone
			if (rightvis)
				while (wallheight[slinex] >= height)
				scaleLine ();
				continue;		// totally obscured

= SimplescaleShape
= NO CLIPPING, height in pixels
= Draws a compiled shape at [scale] pixels high
= each vertical line of the shape has a pointer to segment data:
= 	end of segment pixel*2 (0 terminates line) used to patch
rtl in scaler
= 	top of virtual line with segment in proper place
=	start of segment pixel*2, used to jsl into compiled scaler
=	repeat
= Setup for Call
= --------------
= GC_MODE			read mode 1, write mode 2
= GC_COLORDONTCARE  set to 0, so all reads from video memory return 0xff
= GC_INDEX			pointing at GC_BITMASK

void SimplescaleShape (int xcenter, int
shapenum, unsigned height)
	t_compshape	_seg *shape;
	t_compscale _seg *comptable;
	unsigned	scale,srcx,stopx,tempx;
	int			t;
	unsigned	far *cmdptr;
	boolean		leftvis,rightvis;

	shape = PM_GetSpritePage (shapenum);

	scale = height>>1;
	comptable = scaledirectory[scale];

	*(((unsigned *)&linescale)+1)=(unsigned)comptable;
// seg of far Call
	*(((unsigned *)&linecmds)+1)=(unsigned)shape;		// seg of shape

// scale to the left (from pixel 31 to shape->leftpix)
	srcx = 32;
	slinex = xcenter;
	stopx = shape->leftpix;
	cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[31-stopx];

	while ( --srcx >=stopx )
		(unsigned)linecmds = *cmdptr--;
		if ( !(slinewidth =
comptable->width[srcx]) )

		slinex -= slinewidth;
		scaleLine ();

// scale to the right
	slinex = xcenter;
	stopx = shape->rightpix;
	if (shape->leftpix 31)
		srcx = 31;
		cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[32-shape->leftpix];
		srcx = shape->leftpix-1;
		cmdptr = &shape->dataofs[0];
	slinewidth = 0;

	while ( ++srcx = stopx )
		(unsigned)linecmds = *cmdptr++;
		if ( !(slinewidth =
comptable->width[srcx]) )

		scaleLine ();

// bit mask tables for drawing scaled strips up to eight pixels
// down here so the STUPID inline assembler doesn't get confused!

byte	mapmasks1[4][8] = {
{1 ,3 ,7 ,15,15,15,15,15},
{2 ,6 ,14,14,14,14,14,14},
{4 ,12,12,12,12,12,12,12},
{8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8} };

byte	mapmasks2[4][8] = {
{0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,3 ,7 ,15},
{0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,3 ,7 ,15,15},
{0 ,0 ,1 ,3 ,7 ,15,15,15},
{0 ,1 ,3 ,7 ,15,15,15,15} };

byte	mapmasks3[4][8] = {
{0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0},
{0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1},
{0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,3},
{0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,3 ,7} };

unsigned	wordmasks[8][8] = {
0xfe01} };

int			slinex,slinewidth;
unsigned	far *linecmds;
long		linescale;
unsigned	maskword;